So this is the half way point of our little experiment. Sarah says we need to face the demons, that doubt will creep in and you will start to question what you are doing. Well, she was right. This week we faced some demons. For me this was in the form of craving huge slices of chocolate cake, a tonne of Russian fudge would have been great too! Actually, I think I would have been happy with a handful of berries or a breakfast smoothie with banana and kiwi. But no fruit allowed either.
When planning for this week’s meals we had intended to try a whole bunch of new recipes but when it came down to it, it seemed to make more sense for us to face a tough week by keeping things simple. So it was tried and true favourites with as much veg and leafy greens as possible. This seemed to help – too full to crave anything. Looks like this ties in with week 5’s IQS mantra.
Best breakfast this week was the pumpkin pie and quinoa porridge. Best lunch – haloumi salad with walnuts. Best dinner – a vege lasagne (my sister’s secret recipe)….. so good and the leftovers even yummier the next day for lunch.
Going back to the doubts creeping in. I ended the week reading Dr Libby Weaver’s new book The Calorie Fallacy. What a fabulous second opinion. So much of her message matches Sarah’s experience. I have read most of Dr Libby’s books and have found them most enlightening. The Calorie Fallacy was a good reminder of some things I already know as well as a trigger to pursue other avenues to health and well-being. In particular, the link between sugar and your liver.

Week 5 of IQS is all about being creative, experimenting and detoxing. The last week of feeling deprived before we can add a little sweetness back. I am going to focus my week 5 on a liver detox. I think I can live without fudge or chugging down a tin of condensed milk for 7 little days out of my life ♥