Tag Archives: be kind


I have been learning a lot about kindness recently. I like to think I am kind. However, what I am beginning to realise is that I am kind usually when its easy or convenient. I find it easy to be kind to Nature as this is my strongest Value. I am mostly kind to those I know and love. Although I do think there are times when I am not as kind to those closest to me as I should be. Also, I feel like I can show kindness to individuals easier than to groups of people.

At present I’m in the middle of huge project, a steep learning curve. This is a chance to reinvent myself and truly change my career direction. If I get this right, a dream from my dream tin will come true. The personal stakes are high. Kindness towards myself has been essential.  But it turns out this is where I really fall apart in the kindness department.

My inner voice has been so critical, so judgemental. I wouldn’t talk to anyone like I’ve been talking to myself.

So I have had to stop and take a pause. Then get really introspective. I needed something visual to help me put kindness in some sort of perspective. This is what I came up with:

My take on kindness – a set of concentric circles with Me at the centre

It seems to me that kindness to myself establishes a strong core. If this kindness is sincere then kindness outward to kin, community, humanity and nature will be more authentic. Well, it is worth a try… but it certainly is a journey.

Getting prepared for Advent has been an appropriate time to spend on this sort of reflection. And funnily enough coincides with the arrival of #DoGoodDecember and a Kindness Calendar for the month of December from Action for Happiness.

I know I have mentioned this before, but I really have found the resources from Action for Happiness invaluable this year!

So we wind down this strange year and I set time aside from my project to focus on my Christmas rituals and traditions. One of my rituals is reflecting on the year just been and dreaming of the one to come.

I want to encourage anyone reading this of just how fallible we are when it comes to it. Fallible, and that is okay. Kindness, just like any other growth path, is something we have to choose anew every day. Thankfully, it is a grace-full universe.

The words of John O’Donohue continue to be a great comfort to me. This blessing in particular.

This is what kindness to myself looks like at the moment.

Whatever your beliefs or circumstances, I wish you space to reflect with gratitude and dream with hope. Happy Advent 🕯

Joyful June

A new month, a new Action For Happiness calendar.

I am starting with Day 10 – take a photo of something that brings you joy and share it🧡 New books to read spark so much joy for me And I have so enjoyed rediscovering my love of sketching in recent weeks.

Dream. Plan. Do.

A day will come at last when I shall take the hidden paths that run West of the Moon, East of the Sun.

J R R Tolkien

Meaningful May is nearly done. So much has changed.

There are the obvious changes around the world as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

But for me personally I have found this May a particularly interesting pivot point.

It seems the dream life work I did in the latter part of last year is taking shape…. albeit in forms I wasn’t quite expecting.

So changes are afoot… even here in my blog space…. as things begin to take shape, I will keep you posted 🖤

Meaningful May

Just a quick post to wish everyone out there a Meaningful May.

You can download a pdf version here – https://www.actionforhappiness.org/media/875756/may_2020.pdf

I have found Action for Happiness an incredibly useful resource in these crazy days we are living.

Today I am being thankful.

Thankful for my life’s story so far and having had 30 days worth of travel memories to share in this space.

Thank you to those for joining me on my virtual wanderings down my travel memory lane. I am so grateful for your company.

Thank you to all those brave souls around the world who leave the comfort of their bubbles every day to carry out essential services and provide care for the sick and vulnerable. Your daily courage is such an inspiration.

Thankful for the courage that wells up within to face not knowing what tomorrow may bring.

Keep calm. Stay wise. Be kind.
