It’s been a while since my last post. I seem to be needing time to settle into this year and all it has held for me already.
I have been quite overwhelmed by the whole Kikki K Dream Life experience so far. There has been something so comforting in having those three big dreams on paper in the Dream Tin perched on the Vision Wall. They are there with their respective Master Action Lists attached, goals and milestones in the diary…. everything my organised mind could wish for.
And then… serendipity! Two things have popped up this month most definitely not on any Master Action List. But two things which beautifully match where I am at with working towards all three of those dreams coming true…. the Universe in perfect alignment with my Dream Life!!
So, while there is something delicious in the structure of this particular dreaming process, and having dreams written down, and to do lists in place, there is something equally intriguing about being open to boundless possibility too.
One of these serendipitous events has been enrolling in two different online courses.
Exploring Conservation – free courses through National Geographic. Nothing particularly new for me content wise but so thrilling to see how many people from all over the world are looking into this wanting to understand more!
The other course is through the Civic Ecology Lab, Cornell University. It has been wonderful to really study again. To reflect on lectures and webinars, to keep up with the readings and fill a notebook with ideas and reflections.
And here, again, unexpectedly finding a tribe – a group of humans literally all over the planet on a similar quest for knowledge and the tools to share their message and their passion for Mother Earth.
So, right now I’m taking the advice from my previous post to “Educate yourself for the coming conflicts” Mother Jones.
Learning is a life-long journey that is for sure.
Hope your 2020 has started on a positive note too.
… ALL things TOGETHER for GOOD … you in your small corner, and I in mine